Coconspirators Beer - Matriarch NEIPA & The Butcher RED IPA

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@coconspiratorsbeer The Matriarch NEIPA & The Butcher RED IPA

The Matriarch NEIPA


She may look like your mum on a big night out but the Matriarch is much more than meets the eye: a sheep dressed up in lambs clothing, slightly hazy and all foam on top. The juiciest rumours surround her life but they pale in comparison to the truth.She’s generous with her perfume like this brew is with aromas of citrus, pineapple and stone fruit. She should be bitter from all she’s seen and done, but instead she is a fresh, hopped up juicy number that’s full bodied in every sense of the word.


Red, the colour of passion. Brewing was his love but when you’re the fastest knife in the north the debt must be paid… They call him the artist of death, but he dreamt of the artistry of this brew. The bold and vivid ruby reds of a summer sunset and tropical, dank aromas inviting you to savour every last drop. Your taste buds swimming in fresh hop flavour; rounded off with a lingering bitterness and seductive but dry malt finish.

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